for this pairing, the one on top is the original, made with no planning, and has a bigger canvas, on the other hand it's cousin (lower) is on a significantly smaller canvas, having the details that are on the bigger one are hard to reproduce. but they both sold, so it's all good right?

left one's is the original and actually got me my first public space, at Hastings in Victoria.
i personally think, that they are both awesome, but i'm leaning toward the cousin, the colors and the vibrancy, just perfect.

ahhh "together" (top) ever since i made thee i have tried to reproduce thee, but because it was one of those "i'm going to put paint on canvas and to heck with the consequences!" paintings, i'm going to have a hard time re doing the magic. though it's not quite the same, it's cousin (bottom) sold pretty rapidly, for some reason people just respond to the image, it's kind of beautiful, and i love hearing what people think when they see it.

"the raven" was one of my first commissions, for the illustrious Brittany S., she wanted something inspired from Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" and voila!can you see the hidden message? it's cousin is surprisingly similar, i think it's because i used a graphite transfer, but all the more, it's all great.
sometimes they're better sometimes they're worse, hardly ever are they exactly the same, but in the end it's all grumpy art. right?
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