(i apologize for the horrid picture i'll take a new one soon)
and though it might not look it, this is a self portrait too.
i call it "zoo reject", and like the piece shown above, it's not for sale.

well, because this is my first post i'm still trying to figure all this lovely stuff out.
i'm thinking about posting according to when i made them.
it's kinda funny that i start a blog for my art around the anniversary of when i started to paint.
life does that i suppose. do comment if you like my art, and do not shy away from screaming about this blog to the scared huddled masses.
the whole point is to get new eyes on my stuff.
admittedly the first few posts will be old stuff, in order to catch up.
feel free to take part of the poll in the right corner about amount of paintings per post.
of course knowing me, i'll just post'em as i make'em.
why not?
alright featureless face of the internet, have a good night.
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